27 November 2013

Two Natural Remedies for Botulism

In general terms we can say that botulism is a kind of food poisoning, but it poses a very serious threat to the affected person and many times can leads to paralysis in that person. However good news is, it is not very common and considered as a rare disease. Botulism is caused by bacteria which are usually formed in preserved or canned food. It may cause to anyone an infant, teens or adults. The bacteria which is responsible for causing botulism when enters in a human body, discharges a poisonous toxin that leads to botulism. Some types of botulism are infant botulism, wound botulism, adult botulism and food bone botulism.
                                   In case of botulism some symptoms can be seen like pain, vomiting, diarrhea, irritation on eyelids, dry throat, nausea and sometime even breathing trouble. But in all cases it leads to paralysis if not treated. You can try some home remedies also in initial stage of botulism, but consult your doctors before using them.

 Remedies for botulism

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is effective in providing relief from botulism. As botulism is related with food poisoning due to bacteria, apple cider vinegar has anti bacterial capabilities. It also cleanses the stomach. For using apple cider vinegar first dilute it with warm water and then take 2 teaspoon. Repeat it 2-3 times per day.  You can add little honey if you like. But be warned to use honey for infants.

Carrot & beetroot juice

In case of severe botulism it is must to consult a doctor, but in minor cases some home remedies that can kill bacteria and eliminate toxins can be useful. Carrot and beetroot booth have this quality and can be effective in botulism. The best way is to make juice of both carrot and beetroot and consume. You can take this 2-3 times a day. It will clean your stomach and kill the bacterium.
