From last few months, I stopped buying my favorite ice
creams, hot chocolates & chilled beverages, no...No! Nothing wrong actually, I was
forced to do so by my own companion- ‘my teeth’. Whenever I try sipping hot
chocolate, coffee or anything chilled, I suffered a high intensity pinching
like sensation in my teeth, and the feeling was like someone drilling my teeth
with a laser sharp instrument. Finally, I gave up and visited a dental clinic
to seek advice; the doctor told me that I am having ‘sensitive teeth’ and
prescribed me some ointments and specific toothpaste. I am quite exploring
type person and therefore i started searching internet and other references
to know about ‘sensitive teeth’ and here is what I found about it.
Having sensitive teeth is a very common problem that affects
many of us irrespective of age or gender. Children, adult, or people of older
age, anyone can have sensitivity in teeth. Many factors may trigger
sensitivity in teeth including lack of proper hygiene, cracked or injured
teeth, allergic reactions, tooth diseases, improper brushing, smoking, alcohol or any specific reason. The pain associated with teeth sensitivity prevent you
from eating or drinking those items you liked the most due to a pulsating and
irritating pain. But not to worry, as you can find various toothpastes, ointments and tinctures to
help you in getting relief; however, you can also try these home based easy
techniques to control sensitive teeth to high extent.
Mouth Hygiene / Gargle
This is the first step towards maintain healthy teeth as in most cases it decreases the probability of having sensitive teeth dramatically. The food particles remained stuck in between teeth & around gums that may damage the enamel and causes teeth sensitivity. Therefore, give special attention on keeping mouth hygiene, brush after each meal or at least twice daily in morning and before going to bed, use floss to clean hidden portions around the teeth, in addition you can use mouth wash as well. Gargle regularly to remove any leftover from mouth and use floss as well. Control or stop smoking and alcoholism, use vegetables and fruits frequently; following these practices, you will definitely conquer teeth sensitivity.
This is the first step towards maintain healthy teeth as in most cases it decreases the probability of having sensitive teeth dramatically. The food particles remained stuck in between teeth & around gums that may damage the enamel and causes teeth sensitivity. Therefore, give special attention on keeping mouth hygiene, brush after each meal or at least twice daily in morning and before going to bed, use floss to clean hidden portions around the teeth, in addition you can use mouth wash as well. Gargle regularly to remove any leftover from mouth and use floss as well. Control or stop smoking and alcoholism, use vegetables and fruits frequently; following these practices, you will definitely conquer teeth sensitivity.
Clove & Clove Oil

Using mint in teeth related problems also found effective. It
contains different medicinal qualities such as antiviral, anti-fungal,
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory that makes it an ideal remedy for
infections and other health disorders. For using mint in teeth sensitivity,
mesh some mint leaves and add little black salt or black pepper powder to make
paste and apply it over your gums and across the teeth, gargle with Luke warm
water after 10 mints. Repeat this procedure twice daily to get relief; in addition,
you can use its tincture also.
Tea Tree Oil
You can use tea tree oil for curing teeth sensitivity as
well. It is easily available in any drug or grocery store, rub the oil with
your finger over and around gums slowly or use a cotton cloth for applying it.
Repeat these two or three times a day for 4-5 days to see its effect.
Mustered Oil with Salt
I myself had experienced its effectiveness in sensitive teeth
and tooth decays. You can use this technique in very easy manner, just take a
little mustered oil and add some salt to make paste, use your index finger to
rub the paste over gums and teeth. Clean your mouth similarly as you do after
brushing, repeat it twice daily and you will get relief from irritating teeth
There are
wide numbers of natural products that may help in minor health disorders,
however it is better to ask your doctor to use these techniques, you will find
many things in your surroundings that nature has gifted to humankind.
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