05 December 2013

How to Treat Burning Eyes Easily

Rose Water
A common problem noticed often is burning eyes sensation, as with the increasing level of pollution around the world, everyone becomes a possible victim of different allergies & infection. Burning eyes, not only irritates you but also affect your daily schedules and your work efficiency. When catching burning eye problem you may feel itching & burning in your eyes, and even vision problems to some extent may occur. There are various reasons that may cause burning eyes such as atmospheric pollution, dust particles, excessive heat, allergens, some chronic disease, alcoholism, lack of sleeping, depressions and some medicinal prescriptions too may cause burning eyes. You can easily identify this problems through various symptoms related to burning eyes, some of them includes, pain, burning, itchiness, irritation, continuous sticky discharge from eyes, swelling & redness in the eyes, headache, vision problem and some individual problems may also occur. Numbers of medicine, ointment & lotions you may find in any drugstores to get relief from burning eye; however, it requires at least 4-5 days being fully effective. In case if your eyes not relieved within one week then it will be better for you to consult your family doctor for proper advice. Besides, you can use some easy available and commonly use items to cure burning eyes as well, it is always better to take professionals advice before using them. Some easy cures for burning eyes mentioned below.

Easy cure for Burning Eyes
Cucumber is very effective in curing burning eyes problem, it is very common method, most of you have heard about. Cucumber helps in calming & soothing the eyes; it prevents dark circles around the eyes and removes dust particles if stuck inside them. For using cucumber, cut two circular slice of it and put over your eyes while in laying position. Keep the slices for 15-20 minutes and then remove, splash some cold water on your eyes to clean, you can use this technique as use like but use it at least twice a day, you will definitely feel the relief from itching and burning.

Rose Water

You all must be familiar with rose water; it is used in various skin creams and ointments also. You can easily buy rose water from a drug or grocery stores. In older times rose water used in many ways for skin & eye related disorders, and still preferred by peoples to sooth and clean the eyes and skin. Additionally, you can
Sliced Cucumber
use rose water to prevent dark circle, acne and pimple from face too. The best way to use rose water in burning eyes is to put few drops with the help of a dropper into your eyes and then close them for few moments; it will remove any foreign particle if stuck inside and soothes them too. Repeat this method 2-3 times a day and when going to bed. Another method is, pour some drops into a water filled bowl and then dip your face slightly so that your eyes drowned into it, try to open and close your eyes inside the water for few times to get relieve from burning.


You can use chamomile tincture to get relief from burning eyes, chamomile considered as good eyewash for cleaning, soothing and calming the eyes, you can easily find it in grocery and in medical stores. Mix few chamomile tincture drops into cold water and then wash your eyes with the solution, wife your eyes slowly with a soft cotton cloth. Repeat this method for twice a day to get relief from burning eyes.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil considered as another effective way to get rid of burning eyes, for using first dilute it with cold water and then dip two soft cotton pads into the diluted solution and place the pads over your eyes for few minutes to get relief.

 Water Splash

This is another popular method to get relief; you just have to splash the water into your eyes but remember to do it slowly as hard hit may cause trouble. Do it as often as you can to clean your eyes. Additionally you can try dipping your eyes into the water and repeat closing and opening them for few times to prevent burning and itching sensation.                   


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