An Apple per day
You must
have heard the phrase ‘an apple a day keeps the doctors away ‘which defines the
true value of an apple for our health. A normal size apple contributes around
eleven percent of a woman’s daily-required intake of vitamin C and about nine
percent of a men’s regular intake of vitamin C. Vitamin C is an essential body
supplement for us that supports in the making of various organs of our body
including cartilage, ligaments, skin, blood vessels and collagen. Apart from
this vitamin C helps our body by repairing and maintaining teeth and body bones
along with quick wound healing. Another important work that performed by
vitamin C is slowing the aging of our body by decreasing the free radicals. Antioxidant
properties of apple are equally important for a human body as well.
Strong Signal Flow
An average
apple contains vitamin B-6, which is an important nutrient for our body because
it manages the signal flow of our nerve cells through neurotransmitters. Vitamin
B-6 supplied by an average apple covers
approximately six percent of our
daily-required vitamin B-6 intake. Other important functions of vitamin B-6 include
producing the important hormones for our body like melatonin, epinephrine and serotonin,
which works in controlling the mood fluctuations and synchronization of our
biological clock. Additionally, Vitamin B-6 helps our body in absorbing vitamin
B-12, which is very important for producing immune cells and red blood cells in
our body.
Eliminating Free Radicals
Vitamin B-2 or riboflavin found in apple is
very important for our body as it makes energy from food and counters free
radicals present in our body by its anti-oxidant nature. An average sized apple
can cover our regular requirements of vitamin B-2 or riboflavin intake’s five
Stress Relieving
Vitamin B-1
which is an anti stress vitamin supports the immune system of our body and help
us in tension releasing. Vitamin B-1 from an average size apple covers about
four percent of our regular recommended intake. In addition, vitamin B-1 helps
in produces adenosine triphosphate or ATP, which is the main energy source of
our body and also eases our body’s metabolic reactions.
By Ismail..
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